Saturday, September 19, 2009

Kotobian Tadau Raya!!!!

SELAMAT HARI RAYA...............

Friday, September 18, 2009

Pre test & post test & folio peka pmr.....

wahai cikgu-cikgu sekalian......

Errr.....hmmmmm....ok,im so so so sorry that i cant post the questions here in my blog as the students may 'look' at it and it would topple the bahan sumber and the same thing goes to the example of PeKA folio where the students would copy & paste the dear teachers.....
in the comment section below, state your beloved name, your school( well, so that i know you!!!!) and your e-mailllll addrezz &&&&&&&&& i'll reply to you'll be in your e-mail by this midnight as of 18/9/2009 at 7.23pm......or you can e-mail it to me at SLEEK80@HOTMAIL.COM

Teachers, one more you want me to come over to your school & conduct bengkel on PEKA scoring????IT'LL BE A 2 HOURs BENGKEL.....well, if u want so,just send an invitation letter to my school(SaBAH College) and as a return.......macam ndak ikhlas ja ni......i just want a certificate of 'penghargaan'......thats it....nothing more nothing less......just like what Pn. Roselyn mentioned this morning,kena kumpul sijil bha.......

For my school, i'll conduct a 2nd series of the PeKA scoring bengkel Which is scheduled in our next in house training.....

it's a joy to share knowledges......


Thursday, September 17, 2009

Test your Nokia Originality!!!!

taken from

Adakah HP NOKIA anda Original ?
Cara untuk melihat adakah HP kita ori atau cetak rompak adalah melihat no Imei nya.....

Masukkan Kod *#06#

Selepas tu anda akan dapat satu nombor kod yang ada 15 angka :-

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5

- Kalau angka no 7 & 8 adalah 02 atau 20 ini bermakna ia dipasang di Emirates yang tidak berkualiti

- Kalau angka no 7 & 8 adalah 08 atau 80 ini bermakna ia dibuat di Germany yang kualiti OK aje

- Kalau angka no 7 & 8 adalah 01 atau 10 ini bermakna ia dipasang di Finland yang kualitinya baik

- Kalau angka no 7 & 8 adalah 00 ini bermakna ia dipasang di kilang asal yang mempunyai kualiti terbaik

- Kalau angka no 7 & 8 adalah 13 ini bermakna ia dipasang di Azerbaijan yang tidak berkualiti dan bahayakan kesihatan.

p/s.. khas utk nokia.